Home 5 Andatela Routes 5 Local hiking trails 5 Sendero de Los Pozos (Perales del Alfambra)

Sendero de Los Pozos (Perales del Alfambra)

 Sendero de Los Pozos (Perales del Alfambra)

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Route track




Most of the route runs along the Rambla de la Hoz, a tributary of the River Alfambra, which drains a large area between Campo de Visiedo and the highlands of Rillo and Cañada Vellida. Before flowing into the town of Alfambra, it crosses some limestone moors where the waters have opened up a series of narrow ravines of great scenic interest, known in Perales del Alfambra as “Los Pozos” (the wells). This route has a total length of 12 km, of which 5 km run through the narrow ravine with a rocky and unstable surface, which makes it inaccessible and not recommended for people with disabilities, children and the elderly. It is also not accessible for bicycles or horses. With a medium-high difficulty, and a total duration of 4 h to 4h 30 minutes and a cumulative difference in altitude of 416 m


