Ruta de la Cruz de los Tres Reinos: Veguillas de la Sierra
Ruta de la Cruz de los Tres Reinos: Veguillas de la Sierra
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The route of the Cross of the Three Kingdoms is a one-way circular route, about 13 kilometres long, which starts and ends in the town of Veguillas de la Sierra. The route is easily accessible from the town itself, and is recommended to be done on foot The walking route would take between 3 and 4 hours. With an accumulated difference in altitude of 450 metres, it is of medium difficulty. The use of BTT is not recommended because it is not easily accessible at all times and also because there are already other BTT routes that reach the summit of the three kingdoms that go along nearby paths. It is also not recommended for families with small children due to the length and steepness of the route. The landscape we find here is that of a medium Mediterranean mountain with different plant formations, with significant human intervention in the form of clearing and cutting down for pastureland. The relief is marked by the differential erosion of the limestone rock that facilitates the existence of viewpoints that we can observe from the route. The area is wooded with forest species, including junipers (Juniperus thurifera), gall oaks (Quercus faginea) and walnut trees (Junglans regia), and the route has information panels on these monumental trees with rest areas. Along the route we have been able to find samples of the fauna that inhabits it, such as roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), badger (Meles meles), fox (Vulpes vulpes) and marten (Martes foina) droppings. Crows(Corvus corax) and picarazas(Pica pica) have also been observed.