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Puente Medieval. Galve

The bridge is located in the middle to upper course of the Alfambra River in the central part of the municipality of Galve. It is a bridge with two spans, made of sandstone masonry masonry with lime and large ashlars, with significant differences from one course to another, except for the arches, whose masonry is much more homogeneous and well cared for.

The two arches are semicircular, with an impost on which the falsework appeared during their construction. They are dissymmetrical, with the one on the left having a greater span, and consequently a greater height, through which the river flows, while the one on the right only carries water during floods.

Both arches rest on a central buttress with a dissymmetrical abutment.

The Tajamar is angular, forming a scalene angle that tends to direct the water to the arch on the left, downstream, the abutment has a characteristic semicircular spur, and the bridge deck has a slightly marked donkey’s back profile. On the right bank, we can see the existence of lime-laid masonry parameters, clearly later than the main structure, which supports a staircase-ramp system made up of driven stones and cobblestones. On the left bank, on the other hand, there is a ramp system with stone facing. The parapet is made of sillleria, very similar to the rest of the structure. Traditionally, it has been said that the Galve bridge is medieval. However, taking into account the characteristics of the bridge, especially the presence of a circular spur, the type of masonry used and the general composition of the structure, the most likely date for its construction is the 16th and 17th centuries.

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