Castelfrío. Sierra de El Pobo
The Sierra del Pobo is part of the Gúdar mountains and is located at the western end of it. It borders the Alfambra-Teruel trench, which makes the entire sierra act as a border between the Alfambra valley and the El Pobo depression. It occupies an area of 25 hectares, and is at an altitude that ranges from 1,600 m. up to 1758 m from Castelfrío declared a Site of Community Interest.
Castelfrío is a mountain of great beauty, full of pine forests and populated by a large number of varied animals. It suffered a serious fire during the summer of 2009, leaving most of the hill charred and without any animals. It will take years to see it look green again from any point.
In any case, the views it offers are still unbeatable; the Alfambra depression, the Palomera mountain range, the Jiloca valley.