Home 5 Nature/Picnic Areas 5 Special Sites 5 Sierra Palomera. Torremocha

Sierra Palomera. Torremocha

The Sierra Palomera is a mountainous alignment that seems to have originated after the sinking process that formed the Teruel – Calatayud tectonic trench. Actually, it constitutes its right flank in the section between Monreal del Campo and Teruel.

This mountain range separates the high plateau of the Campo de Visiedo, which lies between the valleys of the Alfambra and the Jiloca, and the broad headwaters of the latter valley.


Here we find one of the most singular mountains in the region: Peña Palomera, 1,533 m., which, due to its particular relief and layout, is the only one that offers an authentic mountaineering excursion in the area,


During the route we will be able to observe the inhabitants of two ecosystems: the kermes oak groves and the limestone cliffs. At the summit, we will have a magnificent panoramic view of the southern regions of Aragon. To the west, the villages of the Jiloca valley, the San Ginés mountain, summit of the Sierra Menera and its extension towards the Montes Universales and the Sierra de Albarracín; to the east, the high plateau of Campo Visiedo, which hides the Alfambra valley, and the Sierra del Pobo; and to the south, the walls of the Javalambre mountain range and its extension towards the Gúdar mountain range.

It has many attractions, such as the impressive panoramic views and also on an ethnological, historical (it was the focus of battles in the civil war…) and fauna (it is a refuge for mountain goats) level. Due to all these factors, nowadays it is a peak that offers an interesting hiking activity for nature lovers. To get to it, you go through grills, you go through the Barranco Rubio and going up the slope you reach a crossroads, you walk towards La Tejeria and you reach the Novella corrals and there you can enjoy seeing a large number of Holm oaks… reaching the Collado de la Cruz, where in times the neighbors who climbed along different itineraries met. The views are fantastic, dominating the whole Jiloca plain, with the Laguna del Cañizar behind Villarquemado, where flocks of cranes fly. Behind, the snow-capped peaks of the Montes Universales and the Sierra de Albarracín. Turning left we find Javalambre and continuing on to the Sierra de Gúdar. The views from the summit where you can see the remains of the hermitage are spectacular.