Home 5 Nature/Picnic Areas 5 Flora of interest 5 El Chopo Cabecero

El Chopo Cabecero

The poplar trees constitute one of the greatest natural and cultural heritages of the south of Aragon, with a special importance in the region of the Community of Teruel in general and in the area of Alto Alfambra in particular.

The black poplar is a variety of black poplar (scientifically known as Populus nigra), which, by means of periodic pruning of the tree every 14-15 years, also known as ‘escamonda’, allows its branches to be used for various purposes (construction, firewood, fodder), while at the same time, they regrow with greater vigour. This causes a widening of the upper part of the trunk which gives it the typical ” cabecero ” shape, as it is popularly known, giving rise to monumental, picturesque and very beautiful specimens. The unusual shapes that these worked trees take on turn these forests into authentic natural sculptural landscapes