Home 5 Municipalities 5 Villarquemado



Los Agramaderos, the church organ and the Cañizar lagoon.



Complement your visit with:



Go with the flow – go to page

The noise of the silence – go to page

History on the rock – go to page


Torrelacárcel/Singra, Búnker Cabezo Alto – go to page

Torrelacárcel, Forts- go to page

Argente, Serretilla Mascarón Trenches – go to page

Celadas, Santa Bárbara Front – go to page


Hiking trail through Sierra Palomera (Torremocha) – go to page

Hiking trail of the Barranco Cardoso (Almohaja) – go to page

Hiking trail through the Barranco de la Hoz (Aguatón) – go to page


According to legend, this small village was called Villahermosa de las Tres Torres until it was devastated and almost all the buildings, including the church, were burnt down. From then on, the villagers began to build simple houses in the same place and the name of the village changed to Villarquemado. The first houses they built were simple huts, hence the name “choceros” for the inhabitants of the village.

Inhabitants: 846
Altitude: 996 m.
Demonym: Villarquemadino/a o chocero/a
Website: www.villarquemado.es

How to get there?

24 kilometres from Teruel on the A23 or the N-234, towards Zaragoza. See map



Cañizar Lagoon. It is located in the fertile plain area between the municipalities of Cella and Villarquemado. It covers an area of 11.3 km2, and is one of the largest freshwater wetlands in Spain. It was dried up between 1729 and 1732 by means of drainage works directed by the Italian engineer Domingo Ferrari. Until recently, the existence of the Laguna del Cañizar was barely known. Today a project is in progress for its partial recovery with actions designed to improve the environment and create a natural attraction that generates economic income linked to rural and nature tourism.

There is an interpretation centre and a bird observatory. The richness and variety of animal species that inhabit the lagoon and the numerous birds that stop at the lagoon during the migration season stand out.

Más información en www.lagunadelcanizar.com

There is a sport hunting reserve

Fountain of La Carrasca.

Mediomonte pond, with picnic area.

La Carrasca reservoir

El Ajipe, with picnic area.

La Carrasca Mountain. There are two shelters with barbecues and an installation to connect the car battery so that there is light in the area.

Merendero del Cañizar, commonly known as “Caseta del Caracol”. There is a shelter with barbecues and an installation to connect the car battery so that there is light in the enclosure. In addition, near the main observatory of the lagoon, another picnic area has been set up with tables, benches and covered barbecues.

Cerro Montero, where the astrological observatory is located. From this point you can see 7 villages and the Palomera Peak.

Sites of the river Jiloca.


The route of the Holy Grail. This route is based on the itinerary that the Holy Chalice followed from the province of Huesca to the province of Valencia, where it is currently located. The route, which links the Pyrenees with the Mediterranean, starts in San Juan de la Peña and reaches Valencia, with a total distance of 518 km, and a total of 23 stages. In the Region of Teruel, this route passes through the following municipalities and districts:

– Santa Eulalia del Campo

– Villarquemado

– Cella

– Caudé

– Concud

– Teruel.

The route in the Region of Teruel covers 30 kilometres.

Más información en www.caminodelsantogrial.com




The parish church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, in Baroque style, was built between 1694 and 1703, with an altarpiece of the Dolorosa from the 16th and 17th centuries, an image of Christ from the 17th century and a chancel with a Baroque altarpiece. It is built with masonry and stonework, has three naves with a raised transept, a half-barrel vault roof with lunettes and a dome in the transept on pendentives decorated with paintings of the Holy Fathers and topped with a lantern. It has a choir at the top and a tower of three sections, the last of which is octagonal with a pyramidal top. The church organ dates from 1703 and is considered a true relic. It has recently been restored thanks to the collaboration between the Town Council and the DGA.

Hermitage of San Roque. Built in 1709 with masonry and stone walls. It has three sections covered with a half-barrel vault with lunettes and a pentagonal apse.

Hermitage of La Purísima. It seems to date from the 17th century. It has a rectangular floor plan and an open atrium under a wooden roof supported by Tuscan stone columns.

Agramaderos. Open stone constructions where hemp was shackled. Four stakes were placed over a hole and the bales of hemp were stretched over them. The bales were then set on fire and roasted. When the hemp had been twisted into bundles, it was chopped up in the agrama. An agrama is a piece of wood, like a beam, with a blade.

Rafts in which the hemp was soaked. They are located in a spot near the agramaderos.


17th January, San Antón festivities.

Easter Week Festival, on Easter Sunday and Monday it is customary for the locals to go up to the La Carrasca picnic area to eat.

Fiesta de San Isidro, the weekend closest to the 15th of May. It commemorates past traditions, the most deeply-rooted customs of our popular culture. Jotas performances, concerts, etc.

Fiesta de San Juan, the night of 23rd to 24th June. On the eve of St. John’s Day, the fifth-years who come of age the following year cut down some poplar branches and, in the evening, they put them on the fifth-years and unmarried girls.

Patron saint festivities in honour of San Roque, 14th September, but they are always celebrated on the 2nd weekend of September, starting on Tuesday, which is the “Víspera”.

Saturday of the long weekend of the Constitution. Popular Verbena.



Doruel potato crisps