The Mudejar Tower of the Church of San Bartolome and the Interpretation Centre La Naturaleza de Peralejos y la Sierra de Castelfrío.
Complement your visit with:
At your way:
Large Scale – go to page
Just one step away – go to page
The path of the cold – go to page
Alfambra, Trenches- go to page
El Pobo, La Corraliza shelter – go to page
El Pobo, Castelfrío Fortifications – go to page
El Pobo, Hoyalta Refuges – go to page
Corbalán, Búnker Alto de la Torana – go to page
Corbalán, Cabigordo Trenches – go to page
Corbalán, Cerro Pino Redondo – go to page
Celadas, Santa Bárbara Front – go to page
Escorihuela, Portachuelos Trenches – go to page
Route of the Alcamines PR- TE 36 (Alfambra- Galve) – go to page
Hiking trail of Barranco de la Hoz (Corbalán) – go to page
Hiking trail of the source of the river Mijares (Cedrillas) – go to page
Inhabitants: 85
Altitude: 995 m.
Demonym: Peralejano/a
How to get there?
Peralejos is located at the base of the Sierra del Pobo mountain range and is surrounded by a meander of the Alfambra river that irrigates its fertile meadow. The village is 17 kilometres from Teruel on the National 420 road. See map
Wild pines and laricio pines populate the wettest hills of Peralejos. Along the driest slopes and on the upper slopes there is a very extensive juniper forest, where the creeping juniper is predominant, together with junipers and holm oaks.
Peralejos has an ideal mountain for hunting wild boar, rabbits and hares, and of course, foxes and eagles that feed on them. Vultures, mostly from Peña Amarilla, are a regular part of the landscape.
Lately, the frequent sightings in the ravine areas of Cabra Hispánica, coming from the Puertos de Beceite, have been particularly noteworthy.
The banks of the river Alfambra are full of poplar groves.
Numerous springs, the most important of which is La Cerraja.
Vía Verde de Alfambra (Teruel-Alfambra) cycle route
La Cerraja ravine hiking trail
Route of the Alfambra river. Itinerary that follows the course of the river from its confluence with the Guadalaviar to the point where it enters the valley of the same name. It crosses a populated area that lives from agriculture and is closely linked to the river. It reaches Cuevas Labradas from Villalba Baja and continues towards Peralejos
Hermitage of the Virgen del Carmen, s. XVII. Ermita barroca construida con mampostería de gran calidad. Tiene una sola nave cubierta con bóveda de medio cañón, y atrio que se apoya en cuatro columnas y espadaña.
Church of San Bartolomé Apóstol, a Gothic construction from the 15th century, with a single nave and chapels in the buttresses. The vault is of star-shaped ribbed vaulting, all of which is of Gothic style. The side chapels are covered with a barrel vault with lunettes. The apse has a coniform shell. The Mudejar tower is located at the foot of the church. It has two square bodies in ashlar stone and the third is octagonal in brick and decorated with tiles.
Mudejar tower from the 16th century, declared a Catalogued Asset of Aragonese Cultural Heritage. The most interesting feature is the octagonal top, where a large repertoire of Mudejar elements can be seen, such as the crosses, the inlaid tiles and the sawtooths.
Festivities in honour of San Bartolomé. These are the patron saint fiestas of Peralejos and therefore the most eagerly awaited by locals and visitors alike, which are held the week before 24th August.
Pilgrimage to the Virgen de Cilleruelos. As a reminder of the pagan cults, on the second Sunday in September the Virgin is worshipped at the top of a tree.
Andalusia Day in Peralejos. For several years the Casa de Andalucía celebrates the Day of Andalusia in the village on a day in May or June.
On San Antón (17th January) and Santa Lucía (13th December) bonfires and dinner are held for the village.
Festival dedicated to San Isidro Labrador. On 15 May, all the villagers of Peralejos have a picnic in honour of the saint. The fountain in the church is dedicated to the saint and is represented in ceramic tiles.
The Enramada. An ancient tradition that is celebrated on the 2nd of May and which consists of the young men putting willow bower branches on the young women as a sign of approval of the engagement. In the afternoon snack with ponche (punch) after the ‘enramado´’, everything that has been done before is publicly discussed. This tradition is similar to that of “Los Mayos” in the Sierra de Albarracín.
“Putting up the rope” (“Poner la soga”). This is an ancient tradition dedicated to all those not invited to a wedding. At the exit of the church, the groom was symbolically put in a rope until he promised to invite all the “uninvited” to a feast. After his promise, he was released from the rope.
“Pay the blanket” (“Pagar la manta”). All outsiders who went out with local girls had to pay for a snack to the boys. Otherwise they risked the “Cencerrada”, which was the harassment of the mozos.