Home 5 Municipalities 5 Orrios




The palace of the Marqués de la Cañada and the Alcamines route.


Complement your visit with:

At your way:

Large scale – go to page

Black and white – go to page


Alfambra, Trenches- go to page

El Pobo, Castelfrío Fortifications – go to page

El Pobo, Hoyalta Refuges – go to page

Argente, Serretilla Trenches – Mascarón – go to page


Santa Coloma hiking trail – go to page

El Carrascal hiking trail – go to page


Both the castle and the village of Orrios were donated in 1182 by Alfonso II, thus beginning a continuous transfer of hands until, with the confiscation, it became the property of the village.

Inhabitants: 130
Altitude: 1.046 m.
Demonym: Orrianos.

How to get there?

35 kilometres separate this village in Teruel from the capital. The recommended route to get there is along the National 420 road, with a turn-off on a local road 5 kilometres after Alfambra.  See map

Orrios is made up of two neighbourhoods that are easily differentiated by the layout and style of their streets and buildings: one from the medieval period, grouped together and with a twisting layout, and the other more modern.


This village, after being reconquered by Alfonso II, was donated in 1182 to Don Rodrigo de Sarriá, Lord of Alfambra. The Order of the Templars was its next owner, but the dissolution of the latter led to Orrios passing into the hands of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem.


The surrounding area and banks of the river Alfambra

Campillo path.

Path of the low meadows. (Camino de las vegas bajas)

Rock caves.

Springs of Vadillo and Olmos.


Orrios-Villaba-Alta. On this route we pass by a beautiful small rock and the Virgen del Aguila Chapel.

Orrios-Alfambra (Around the river).



Church of the Assumption, 18th century. The ground plan of the Church of the Assumption has a rectangular apse with three naves. Although all of them are covered with a barrel vault with lunettes, the central one has the peculiarity of being higher than the lateral ones. As for the exterior of the church, the sobriety of the tower makes it the most remarkable part of the church.

The town hall was built in the 18th century and includes the typical trading hall of the period. (Trading hall with two lowered arches).

The Castle of Orrios was reconquered by Alfonso II and donated in 1182 to Count Rodrigo de Sarría, Lord of Alfambra. This emblematic building was a fully-fledged entity until 1972, when it became administratively dependent on Alfambra.

Palace of the Marqués de la Cañada, 18th century. (private) It was built in 1744. Its interior is decorated with a dome-shaped lantern that illuminates the staircase, decorated with interesting paintings from the second half of the 18th century. The façade is in the neoclassical style, very sober.

Peirón de la Iglesia, 17th/18th century. The square-shaped first section has mouldings and carved decoration, topped with a moulded cornice. The second section has a niche on each side, with a niche with venerations, topped with another cornice with a remarkable flight of wings. The top is finished off with a pyramid on top of which is an artistically worked iron cross. The ‘Peirón’ is made of perfectly carved ashlar limestone.

Peirón de la Virgen del Pilar, 17th/18th century. The square-shaped stone pillar is made of limestone and has three sections and is topped with a stone cross. It consists of a moulded pedestal and a first section with carved decoration and also moulded, topped with a cornice. The second body has niches with venerations on three of its sides and a plaque with an inscription on the fourth. It is also crowned with a high cornice. The top section has a small temple-like configuration, with a semicircular opening on each side, and is covered with a hemispherical dome crowned with a stone cross. It is built with perfectly carved masonry.

Peirón de San Pascual The peirón has a square floor plan and is made of limestone. It consists of two sections and a pyramid-shaped top. It has a moulded pedestal set on concrete steps. The first section, square in plan and with mouldings and carved decoration, is crowned by a moulded cornice. The second body opens up a niche under a round arch on each side, topped by a moulded cornice. The top is made up of a pyramid. The niches are arranged in the second body, one on each side of the monument.

Valdeperal Fountain.



20 January, Saint Fabian and Saint Sebastian.

5 February, Santa Águeda. A mass is held in honour of the patron saint and cakes are blessed.

15 May, San Isidro Labrador. A mass, procession and traditional Spanish wine are held.

29 and 30 July, Santa Beatriz. Mass and procession. Children can also enjoy a children’s park.