Home 5 Municipalities 5 Aguilar del Alfambra

Aguilar del Alfambra


Los Chopos Cabeceros, The Straits, the Route of the Virgen del Campo and the views from the Hermitage of the Virgen de la Peña.



Village belonging to the Parque Cultural del Chopo Cabecero.


Complement your visit with:

At your way:

Large scale – go to page

The Path of the Cold – go to page


El Pobo, Castelfrío Fortifications – go to page

El Pobo, Hoyalta Refuges – go to page


Route of the Virgen del Campo links to Ababuj Defensive Tower- go to page

Route of the Alcamines links to Route of the Virgen del Campo – go to page

Route of the source of the river Mijares links to Ababuj Defensive Tower- go to page


Aguilar de Alfambra has a great natural beauty, typical of the banks of the river Alfambra.

Inhabitants: 76
Altitude: 1.302 m
Demonym: Aguilarano/a
Website: www.aguilardelalfambra.es


How to get there?

Aguilar is 51 km from Teruel. You reach the village on the A 226 and take the turn-off to El Pobo after the Cabigordo pass. See Map


Fauna: It belongs to the ZEPA (Special Bird Protection Area) “Parameras del Alfambra”.

Estrecho de Aguilar. A living ‘cluse’, or gap in the rock, forming a canyon that has been declared a Site of Geological Interest. A Presiding over the spot, you can find the hermitage of the Virgen de la Peña, built on the wall of the old castle of Aguilar.

El Chopo cabecero.

Banks of Alfambra river.

Dry Cane.

Fountain of the Hontanar.

Fuendeáguilas Fountain.

Fuenredonda Fountain.

Old Mill.

New Mill.

The Chasm.



Ruta de la Virgen del Campo. (Galve-Jorcas). It follows the route of the PR-TE-51 that goes from Galve to Jorcas passing through Camarillas and Aguilar de Alfambra.

Ruta de los Miradores. It reaches Aguilar de Alfambra from Camarillas and continues towards Ababuj.

Rutas de pequeño recorrido de Aguilar del Alfambra:

Ruta de Cañaseca – La Sierra
Sendero de La Fuente del Hontanar 
Sendero de las Fuentes
Sendero de San Antonio – Los Aliagares
Sendero de la Virgen de la Peña

BTT Routes:

Las Fuentes
La Sierra y Muela de la Umbría




Church of San Pedro Apóstol, a temple from the 18th century, in which the bell tower and the tower stand out. The Church of Aguilar is located at the top of the village, in its centre. It was built in the 18th century, in masonry, with three naves, covered with a half-barrel vault with lunettes and a semicircular triumphal arch. The choir is high. Its curved red brick eaves reflect its size. It measures 575 square metres.

The date 1770 is written above the church door.

Hermitage of the Virgen de la Peña. It is only one kilometre from the village. It is currently well preserved, as it was repaired after the war. The Baroque altarpiece of the High Altar disappeared, and in its niche was placed the small Image of the Peña. Once it was finished, the new image, a reproduction of the previous one, was paid for.

Hermitage of the Santo Cristo, from 18th century. Made of masonry, with a nave covered with a barrel vault with lunettes, presenting a semicircular triumphal arch.

It responds to the traditional model of open atrium on stone colums, and wooden ceiling, decorated with beautiful canes.

Chapel of Santa Catalina. It was built in the 16th century, in masonry and stonework, with a nave covered with star-shaped cross ribs: the ribs are crossed to form patterns, and at the crossing points, there are small rosettes with flowers or sculpted faces. High choir. Its construction, despite the punishment to which it has been subjected by the inclemency of the weather, is well preserved.

At the entrance there is a small atrium, and above the arcade there is an 18th century relief with the following inscription:






The translation is as follows: “Church added to the Sacrosanct Vatican Basilica of the Prince of the Apostles, for the participation of indulgences in perpetuity, by the Pontiff Clement XIV, in the year 1774”.

Town Hall, 19th century. It has a rectangular floor plan, and its main façade faces south, with two large windows and a balcony with an iron parapet. Its masonry walls, plastered with plaster, are very solid and resistant to the effect of time.

It has two floors, and in the lower central part, there is the typical foremast, whose semicircular arches, supporting column, base and cornice are made of ashlar stone.

On the ground floor, to the left and at the height of four staircases, there are two flats that were used as dungeons.

The staircase continues to the upper floor, where the Assembly Hall, the Secretary’s office, and on both sides the old schools are installed.

Fountain, trough:

The fountain – water trough is a typical monument of Aguilar, it is also a favourite place of conversation for the Aguilarans.

In 1882, water was collected from the Dehesa Alta and brought to the village, and the fountain, trough and washing place were built.

The fountain looks like a small cave. It has a large arcade and both the arcade and the vault and roof are made of large sandstones. Its wide metal pipes, which deliver 890 litres per minute, pour into a basin and slide into the trough. The trough and the thick wall that protected it are also made of large carved stones.

From here the water flows to the washing trough, filling its two large basins made of the same material. It was designed for washing on one’s knees, and was renovated in 1963.

Casa Muñoz, a good example of an 18th century Aragonese mansion.


17th January, in honour of San Antón.

Patron saint fiestas in honour of San Pedro, San Isidro and the Virgen de la Peña. Third weekend in August.

Pilgrimage to the Virgen de la Peña. 19th and 20th October. The necessary rains are prayed for and the gozos de la Virgen are sung (they are also sung in May and during the August festivities). On the Tuesday before a mass is held in honour of Saints Faust, Constatius, Clement and Benedict, whose relics were brought from Rome.


Its sheep farming tradition has led to the creation of a cooperative that produces high quality and renowned sheep’s cheese.