Dino Experience

The Comarca Comunidad de Teruel has several emblematic paleontological sites at the European level, which is why some of them have been known internationally since ever before the establishment of Paleontology as a science. As early as 1736, the town of Concud is mentioned as one of the first mammalian deposits in Spain, attributing the bones present there to the remains of men and horses that were piled up after a battle. Currently, we know that it is an association of vertebrates, mainly mammals, that was originated 7 million tears ago.
Other localities that undoubtedly form an essential part of Spanish Paleontology are also famous: Galve, Known for the deposits of vertebrates that lived during the Mesozoic (among them the first dinosaur defined in Spain, Aragosaurusischiaticus) o Libros, where they have fossilized not only their bones, as it is the case in vertebrates, but also the soft parts of newts, snakes, birds and frogs. In the latter, the first world evidence of fossil bone marrow has ever been identified.
As if that were not enough, in recent years an important and novel discovery of wide international repercussion has been made: the discovery in Riodeva of the largest European dinosaur and one of the largest in the world, with more than 30 meters in length and 40 tons of weight: Turiasaurusriodevensis. Add to this the heritage value of its eight paleontological sites declared a Site of Cultural Interest (six of them with dinosaur footprints).
Thisimmense paleontological wealth, together with that of the rest of the province, is the germ of the presence in Teruel of the most impressive national project for the dissemination of paleontology for the general public: Dinólopis.
The Paleontological findings in the Region continue their course and other sites await their turn to be excavated and excite all those people who love the fascinating world of the history of life on Earth with the results obtained: Paleontology