Home 5 Strench 5 Ditches. Alfambra

Ditches. Alfambra



The Alfambra area remained as the second link between the Mining Basins and the Teruel front between 1936 and 1937. It reaches military prominence in February 1938, when the Battle of Alfambra took place. The risk fue to Franco’s advances and the increase in the inensity of the bombings, made the Republican side orer the construction of a shelter.

The threat to the Francoists from the republican positions in Sierra Palomera was definitivelyneutralized in February 1938 with the Battle of Alfambra. On the morning of February 5, 1938, the attack began, with the nationals achieving victory in just three days, however, the High Command’s forecast calculated that it would be ten. Victory is achieved in unfavorable weather conditions (snow, ice and cold). The success was due to the large cavalry charge carried out by some 3,000 horsemen.


We will find some parapets made with the dry stone technique and some trench lines, organized in small positions on limestone plinths, which are found in the heights. On the national side, the remains of an artillery position stand out and on the republican side, a series of positions defended by the 39th Division are preserved. The one located on the mount of “El Capón” stands out, consisting of an extensive network of trenches of more than 1,000 meters.

To get to this group we will start from Alfambra, crossing its polygon and taking the path that goes up towards the hills.We will continue to a field of holm oaks where we can park. We will continue on foot and we will find them at the end of the ountain that is on the left.

In addition in the same municipality the reamins of a large rectangular concrete structure of about 100m2 are preserved, which was used as a refuge, commend post and powder magazine. Isis located at the exit of the town by the TE-V 1008, in front of the cemetery, 50 meters north of the road