Home 5 Strench 5 Cerro Pino Redondo. Corbalán

Cerro Pino Redondo. Corbalán

The trenches of Cerro Pino Redondo are some of the most deteriorated by the passage of time. However, once in Corbalán, a visit is recommended for the magnificent landscape that can be contemplated, and for its natural wealth.

Thelast phase of the battle of Teruel had developed towards the south. The Franco offensive unleashed on February 17, 1938 from the other bank of the Alfambra river culminated in the taking of the city five days later. Conquered the surroundings of Alto de la Torana,, the republicans would establish a containment line in the heights near Corbalán, from the Lepos vertex to these hills closest to the hermitage of Santa Bárbara, among which are the fortifications of Pino Redondo. From here, the line would continue along this bank of the river in the dir3ection of Escorihuela, with the heights of Cabigordo, Castelfrío and the Sierra de El Pobo as highlights.

Defended bny forces of the 28th Division, on April 23rd 1938, the offensive against Valencia would be unleashed with a first advance in the direction of the Aliaga-Jorcas line. The combats would take place under a strong storm of water, snow and hail, hindering the operations carried out by the 15 Francoist Division. Despite strong resistance from Republican combatants, on May 12th the entire line between El Pobo, Castelfrío and the place where we find ourselves would collapse.

To locate them, once located in the Plaza de la Iglesia, we must take the path that leads us to the hermitage of San Antonio, from there we will continue along the forest track and across a spectacular juniper.