Home 5 Strench 5 Cabezo Alto Bunker. Torrelacárcel – Singra

Cabezo Alto Bunker. Torrelacárcel – Singra

Búnker Cabezo Alto

Torrelacárcel – Singra

Búnker Cabezo Alto (Torrelacárcel – Singra)

The rectangular-shaped construction has two romos, one formed by a corridor into which 9 peepholes open as marksman posts and the other that must have been used as a refuge and rest área for the combatans. Around it, there are remains of four buildings from which large areas can be seen, being important strategic points. In addition, surrounding these remains, trench lines appear that would serve to protect the position.


Located in the extreme northwest of the town, at km 2 of the TE-V-1002 road, towards Aguatón, we will find indications on the left side of the road that says “Bunker Guerra Civil”. We will continue along the road with the car leaving a picnic area on the left, we will continue to the peirón, where we will park. We will go up on foot to the hill, where the different constructions are located.