Home 5 Your Own Way 5 The Path of the Cold

The Path of the Cold

The Path of the Cold

You will enter the Sierra del Pobo, the highest area of the Teruel Community Region, with levels close to 1800 meters. Get to the source of the river Mijares and then visit the medieval castle in Cedrillas. In El Pobo, you will find remains of fortifications from the Civil War. Walk the path enjoying the cold that the mountains offer you.


La Ruta del Nacimiento del Río Mijares tiene su inicio en Cedrillas, con una dificultad baja y apta para todas las edades, podrás disfrutarla andando, en bicicleta o incluso llegar hasta la zona recreativa del merendero en coche, y continuar el paseo a pie hasta el nacimiento del río. Muy recomendable en primavera y verano.

Enjoy the views offered by the privileged position of the Cedrillas Castle.

This is located at the top of a limestone plinth that served as a natural defense. The construction is of medieval origin, although you can also find remains of an Iberian-Roman settlement.

A few kilometers further north, you will find the town of El Pobo. This term is found at the highest altitude of the entire mountain range, from where you can contemplate spectacular views of the Alfambra valley. El Pobo is located on the Mount of Castelfrío, where a fortification from the Civil War is preserved, used for its strategic position as an observatory. This fortification is complemented by a line of trenches made of dry stone.

Characteristic of the area are the peirones, known as pilones in the area. They are stone and mortar constructions in the shape of a pilaster, visible from great distances, which allowed the traveler to continue on their way despite the heavy snowfalls.

Accommodation in: Corbalán, Cedrillas y Monteagudo del Castillo.
Restoration in: Corbalán, Cedrillas, Monteagudo del Castillo y El Pobo.