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Just One Step Away

Just One Step Away

 Come to know a modernist church, a Celtiberic town or a spectacular river path just one step away from Teruel. Do you plan to miss it?


The celtiberian town called Alto Chacón, is located 4 km from Teruel. It is and old city with cobbled street and houses that mostly conserve homes. A total of twenty-five apartments and two main streets are uncovered. There is the possibility of hiring guided tours by calling the Provincial Museum of Teruel at 978 600 150. To get there you must go to the Jorgitoneighbourhood and follow the signs.

In Villaspesa, 4 km from Teruel, you will discover La Iglesia del Salvador, it is the only Modernist Church in the province, the work of the architect  PabloMonguió and declared a Site of Cultural Interest. It was built thanks to the donation of 25,000 pesetas that Alejandra Torán made in 1911. Of the interior decoration, its stained glass windows stand out, which are dedicated to the rain, the night, nature and the traditional crafts of Villaspesa such as the blacksmith, the oven and cows.

Do not forget to visit the River Walk of the Guadalaviar River, located in the rural neighbourhood of San Blas, 7 km fron Teruel. It is a highly attractive and conditioned trail that runs along the Guadalaviar River. You will enjoy a pleasant wald among the riverside vegetation and you will contemplate the Arquillo reservoir. You can start the path from the reservoir itself or from the village of San Blas. It is totally accessible to do as a family and at any time of the year.

We recommend visiting the remains of trenches and bunkers that remain in La Aldehuela, Villaspesa, El Campillo or Caudé. Head over to the section of our website Secure yourself.

Restoration in: Villastar, El Campillo, San Blas and Teruel

Accommodation in: Teruel and Aldehuela.